Monday, November 4, 2019

Changes in the US and national poverty rates Essay

Changes in the US and national poverty rates - Essay Example It means that 37.3 million people were poor in the year 2007 and in the year 2006 the figures touched upon 36.5 million poor people (DeNavas-Walt, et al 2008). As per the figures published in the Bureau of Census report, nearly 43.6 million comprised of all shades of Americans, were facing deep poverty in the year 2009. It has increased comparatively if we take into account the poverty of 39.8 million in the year 2008. This has increased 15.1% in the year 2010. In the year 2009, it was 14.3% (DeNavas-Walt, et al 2010). A chart is displayed as under showing the census report regarding poverty ratio increase. The poverty ratio reportedly varies from segment to segment. In white, it is 9.9 percent. In Blacks, it is 27.4 percent. The people living, in deep-rooted poverty is around 6.7 percent. The increasing poverty rate speaks itself, the ineffective economic policy by the incumbent of present regime and the incumbent of yester regimes. The recession and multiple challenges of employment have a direct bearing on poverty numbers. According to the Census Bureau, household income declined by 2.3 percent between 2009 and 2010. Since 2007, household income declined by 6.4 percent. The number of male who were on full time job, year around decreased by 6.6 million since 2007 and the number of female who were on full time job, round the year decreased by 2.8 million. The government assistance although mitigated some of the worst affects (DeNavas-Walt, et al 2010). In accordance with the census, nearly 3.2 million people have been benefited from Social Security Insurance. However, food stamp program was not accounted for. These figures portray only a small portion of families and communities throughout the country who at the hands of poverty suffered a lot in terms of mental and physical health. Center on Budget, Policy and Priorities impressively highlighted, the misery of people living in poverty (DeNavas-Walt, et al 2010). It is evident

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